Saturday, 12 July 2008

Music and Mumblings - 025 - Bats, Bras and Boobs

David Usher: Ugly is Beautiful: Podsafe Music Network
Ontario, Canada

Alamo Racetrack: The Northern Territory: Artist Permission
The Netherlands

Puddle City Racing LightsWindmill
"Tokyo Moon" (mp3)
from "Puddle City Racing Lights"
(Friendly Fire Recordings)
Buy at iTunes Music Store
More On This Album
Berkshire, UK

Little DefectsAmiram Inc.
"Allright" (mp3)
from "Little Defects"
(Oleh! Records)
Buy at Rhapsody
More On This Album
Amiram Inc are from Israel

Seth Lakeman: Blood Red Sky: Artist Permission
Cornwall, UK

Azoora: She's Coming (Dub): Myspace
London and Gotheburg based

Edd Hillman: Wasted Dreams: Artist Permission
Edd's from the South of England

Walt Ribeiro: Rush: Artist Permision
Walt hails from Pennsylvania, USA


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the play. That ones off the new Ep we're working on. We'll give you an exclusive on the next track when it's finished if you like.

Take it easy mate!

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the play. That ones off the new Ep we're working on. We'll give you an exclusive on the next track when it's finished if you like.

Take it easy mate!