Saturday, 29 March 2008

Music and Mumblings - 009 - Vaguely Edible

A sort of food-ish theme this week.

Smart Cookies: The Finance of Romance
Creature: Vitamin: Podsafe Music Network

Drawn to DustCamphor
"The Sweetest Tooth" (mp3)
from "Drawn to Dust"
(Friendly Fire Recordings)
Buy at iTunes Music Store
More On This Album

Azoora: Marzipan: Podsafe Music Network
Olio: Bad Apple: Podsafe Music Network
Fruitcake Superbeing: YellaBelly : Podsafe Music Network

The Midnight Organ FightFrightened Rabbit
"The Modern Leper" (mp3)
from "The Midnight Organ Fight"
(Fat Cat Records)
More On This Album

(this week's backing music was 'Ferrite' by Creature)

The Great Escape Festival
Earliest recorded sound (and BBC newscaster losing it)
Starbucks Californian Tip Problems

Rss feed : Play

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Grumbler.

Thanks for playing us on your podcast. We don't think you sound crotchety at all,crotchety and suspect you always give kids their ball back when they lob it into your garden for the umpteenth time. ;-)

Cheers mate!