Sunday, 2 November 2008

Music and Mumblings - 036 - Prank calls, and stuck in the lavatory

Kalliope: Naked: Ariel Cyber PR
Athens, Greece

Hot Seconds: Pieces of You: Podsafe Music Network
New York, USA

Mr and Mrs Mays: Lifeline: Ariel Cyber PR
Texas, USA

Azoora: Cruise Control: Artist permission
London, UK / Gothenburg, Sweden

The Brilliant Mistakes: A Good Year: Ariel Cyber PR
New York, USA

Ace of Space: Jellyfish: Artist permission
London, UK

Lawn Jockey: The Running of the Jackalope: Artist permission
Oklahoma, USA

Download as an MP3


Anonymous said...

hehe. Lots of toilet humour lowering the tone this week.

You may get Ross's job yet. ;)

nahoJ said...

Always nice to listend to your shows!